My work is connected with atmosphere, and light.
I have always loved trees, and tree roots. They have such presence, and my recent work has started looking at urban trees. I realised that cityscapes give centre-stage to the buildings, traffic and people. but the trees are seen very much as a backdrop to these, if featured at all. I began to question how trees felt it this environment, with twenty fours hours of light and noise, their roots funneled through tiny concrete holes, and their branches used to hang things from. And in this environment they not only lived, but also thrived, giving a whole living space to birds and insects, plus beauty for the people passing. I wanted to paint cityscapes from the viewpoint of the trees.
Other subjects have absorbed me, and continue to do so. There is a lane near where I live that seems to embody the archetype of journey, of travelling through the space and through life. This lane was once a road but traffic no longer is allowed down it, so nature has taken it back, softened its edges, and the light that permeates down there gives such inspiration in all seasons.
Sites such as standing stones, stone circles, holy wells, castles, all these places that possess mystery and atmosphere, the touch of a past hand inspire me. Each has a particular feel for me and, aided by the light that touches them, I seek to capture the feel they generate. I also have had a lifetime love of horses, and began to paint them only when I felt able to give them a particular presence. And the angels appeared to me, totally unexpectedly, and impressed me to capture their power and majesty.
The light in all these subjects is important for me. Sunlight gives form, breaks form and infuses subjects with mystery and beauty. As Turner said – the sun is God.